


Leader: Ivystar
Deputy: Icefang
Medicine cat: Moonsky
Medicine cat Apprentice Cherrytail
Apprentice Oakpaw
Apprentice Blizzardpaw
Apprentice Sparrowpaw
Apprentice Lilypaw
Apprentice Rosepaw
Apprentice Moonpaw
Apprentice Sagepaw
Apprentice Deerpaw
Apprentice Owlpaw
Apprentice Smokepaw
Apprentice Lostpaw
Apprentice Russetpaw
Apprentice Tinypaw
Apprentice Acornpaw
Apprentice Willowpaw
Apprentice Flintpaw
Apprentice Adderpaw
Queens: Honeycloud
Kits: Honeycloud's kits
Mossfur's kits
Frostflower's kits
Dawnpoppy's kits


This is a joke I made up, don't copy it cuz it's MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!




(So funny huh?)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Hello, If you have noticed, we have added alot more cats to IvyClan! We have found a oldworn out band of rouges that called themselves CloudClan, they begged for help so we brought them in to our clan.


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Warrior Code and Medicine Cat herbs, If you are a IvyClan cat you must know thease things.

The Warrior Code
1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Don't hunt or tresspass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.

7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.

8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.

9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

10. A gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among the Clans at this time.

11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all tresspassing cats.

12. No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.

13. The word of a Clan leader is the warrior code.

14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense.

15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

Medicine Cat's Guide
Borage leaves: These are chewed and eaten. They increase nursing queens' supply of milk, and also brings down a fever.

Burdock root: These are chewed into a pulp which can be applied to rat bites. It can also cure infections.

Catmint (a.k.a. catnip): Usually found growing in Twoleg gardens. It is the best remedy for greencough.

Chervil: The juice of the leaves can be used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyaches.

Cobweb: Used to wrap around an injury to soak up the blood, keep the wound clean, and stops bleeding.

Coltsfoot: The leaves are chewed into a pulp, which is eaten to help shortness of breath.

Comfrey: The fat black roots of this plant can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones and soothe wounds.

Dock: This plant is similar to sorrel. The leaf can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches.

Dried Oak leaf: Stops infection.

Feverfew: The leaves can be eaten to cool down body temperature, particularly for cats with chills or fevers.

Goldenrod: This plant is usually chewed up and put in a poultice that is terrific for healing wounds.

Honey: Very difficult to collect without getting stung. Great for soothing infections or sore throats of cats.

Horsetail: The leaves can be used to treat infected wounds, and is usually chewed up and applied as a poultice.

Juniper berries: The berries soothe bellyaches and help cats that have trouble breathing.

Lavender: This plant cures fever.

Marigold: The petals or leaves can be chewed up into a pulp and applied as a poultice to wounds to stop infection.

Mouse bile: Put this on a piece of moss and apply to a tick. Wash your paws really well in running water afterward.

Poppy seed: These are fed to cats to help them sleep and to soothe cats suffering from shock and distress. Usage on nursing queens is not recommended.

Stinging nettles: The spiny green seeds can be given to a cat who's swallowed poison, and the leaves can be applied to a wound to bring down swelling.

Snakeroot: Used to counter poison

Tansy: Used to cure coughs, but must be eaten in small doses.

Thyme: This plant can be eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.

Watermint: Usually chewed into a pulp then fed to a cat with a bellyache.

Wild garlic: Rolling in a patch of this can help prevent infection, especially for dangerous wounds like rat bites.

Yarrow: The leaves of this plant can be made into a poultice and applied to wounds or scratches, or fed to a cat to expel poisons.


Nightshade: This has no medicinal value; it is very poisonous.

Holly Berries: This has medicinal value; they are poisonous like deathberries.

Deathberries: Red berries that can be fatally poisonous to kits and elders. These are NOT medicine. Avoid these.

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Who is your favorite Clan cat?

The Story of Butterflyclaw.

Butterflyclaw is not really a full IvyClan cat. She is a decentent of Cloudstar, Ancient leader of SkyClan. SkyClan cats can jump,high, thats how Butterflyclaw got her name. Her mother, Dawnpoppy, is the great great grand dauther of Cloudstar. Her father is Sunpelt, A full blooded IvyCaln cat. When she was born, she thought of herself a full IvyClan cat, But when she became a Apprentice, Her mentor, Sagefoot, now a elder, Told her she and her sister, Daisypetel, were sortof half-Clan. Butterflyclaw was devistated. She was grumpy at gatherings, rude to the elders,but everyone understood why. After a few moons she became a warrior with her sister by her side. She can jump the highest and catch birds no cat has ever thought of. Her sister, Dasiypetel told her she never really whanted to be a warrior just a queen. Daisypetel has still never found a mate. While Daisypetel waits for the right cat, Butterflyclaw dreams of being leader someday,But due to her half-Clan blood, she belives that will never happen. Her best friend,Sparkfur,isint Clan at all, it makes her feel better to see a no Clan blood cat be one of the best hunters of IvyClan, So she keeps her dream alive by working her hardest. During the battle with WindClan, Lightclaw,a young warrior died, she was Sparkfur's mate, she died for Redflower Meadow. Butterflclaw vowed to aveange her piontless death. She was angry because Lightclaw was one of the kindest cats of IvyClan, one of the only cats who didint tease her about her half-Clan blood. After her death, Sparkfur got his first Apprentice, Dovesong who almost died too, but she lived. After a few moons, she got her first Apprentice, Sparrowpaw, Daisypetal got hers too, Lilypaw. They are both ready to become warriors. She is proud to be a older sister to Larkkit,Robinkit,Fernkit, And Hailkit.While kits are growing and elders are dieing, Butterflyclaw feels theres something dark rising in IvyClan, And one of her own clanmates might be behind it.

Check back soon for more,

Ivykit's Prophecy


“Welcome Briarstar, I’ve been waiting to talk to you.”

‘Who are you?” Briarstar asked nervously.

“I am IvyStar, surely you have heard of me?”

Briarstar sat up a little straighter.”Of course I have, why have you come to me now?”

“Because great power will be born in your Clan, and soon.” IvyStar explained.

“Why have you come to me, not Dragonwing?” Briarstar asked.

“Because, her time is running out, she would never have time to tell you.”IvyStar said sadly.

IvyStar started to fade.

“Wait! Come back! Tell me what you mean!” Briarstar called pleadingly.

“You will find out soon enough Briarstar, and be ready, for this cat will know more than any leader and any medicine cat that has ever lived.

Be ready, be ready……. IvyStar’s words echoed in Briarstar’s head.

“I wonder who this cat will be.” He thought to himself.

* * *

“Hello IvyStar, so you have told of the cat?” A Black cat asked her.

“Yes, ShadowStar, I have.”IvyStar replied.

“Good.” A Dusky brown she-cat snorted.

“Now, RiverStar, this is not a time for hostility.”A Golden colored tom scolded gently.

“That is so like you, ThunderStar, Always reaching out a paw.”A White tom mewed fiercely.

“Now, Windstar-”ThunderStar started but was cut off by a gasp from IvyStar.

“It is time for the cat to come into the world.” IvyStar said calmly.The other leaders looked at her for a moment then all five of them padded back to the starry camp.

Chapter 1

"Dragonwing!" Rivertooth yowled in pain. "Don't worry, she's sending Seawave." Pandapelt assured his mate. "I'm here!" The apprentice rushed into the den. "Now just take deep breaths and push when I tell you to, and it'll all be over soon.

Dragonwing lay in her den, breathing shallowly. StarClan had been getting closer for a long time, but now, she was at its gates. However, a certain cat was blocking her way. “IvyStar?” She meowed, puzzled. Why would shewelcome her to Starclan? "Dragonwing, your time is not yet up." He mewed quietly. "You must deliver a message to someone, anyone, in your Clan, before you join us." "What is it?" Dragonwing tilted her head curiously. "As one dragon lifts her wings to fly away, another shall be born upon her passing. She will be mighty beyond compare, and bring peace, but there are those who will bring war and famine to defeat her.." The old leader faded from sight. "No, IvyStar, wait!" She yowled.Dragonwing opened her eyes, knowing she must pass on the message, and fast. "Seawave!" She yowled hoarsely.

Seawave heard the cry, but there was one last kit to deliver. "Seawave!" The call came again. He flinched, knowing his mentor would never call for him in a situation like this, unless it was very important. "Just make sure the kit comes out with minimal blood, and nothing around its neck." Panadapelt gaped at the apprentice as he ran over to his old mentors den. "Yes, Dragonwing?" He asked anxiously. "Come here, Seawave. I have something very important to tell you."

Finally, the last kit was born, and Rivertooth nudged her four new kits to her belly. "What should their names be?" Pandapelt asked softly, licking the fur between his mates ears. "This one," She toutched her nose to a stocky black tom kit. "IsThistlekit. He could be Mumblekit," She toutched her tail tip to a white tom kit with black ears and tail. “That one looks like a Timberkit” "And their sisters name can be Ivykit." She nodded to a silver she kit with peculiar black markings.

At this moment, Dragonwing ceased to breathe, her message delivered, Seawave gaping in shock, at his now dead mentor.

Chapter 2

It had been three moons since Dragonwing died, the whole Clan had been grieving for their lost medicine cat. As Ivykit lead the way out of the nursery, her three brothers trailing behind, to the fresh-kill pile. She turned around. “What do you mouse-brains want?” she asked while she moved around pieces of prey. “VOLE!” All three of her brothers purred at the same time then started laughing. “You three all have thistledown for brain!” She challenged, and then hurled herself at them.

“Eh-Em.”A voice sounded behind the wrestling kits. “Pandapelt!” Mumblekit mewed happily. “What’s the matter?” Ivykit asked, she could see the worry in his eyes. “It’s just that ShadowClan have crossed the border again.”Pandapelt replied. “Is there gonna be a battle?!” Thistlekit asked anxiously. “I’m afraid so my children, but now I mustn’t dilly-dally I must report to Briarstar.” He padded away to the leaders den.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the High-Branch for a clan meeting!”Briarstar called from the ivy covered tree. The High-Branch came from the tallest tree in the forest. Pandapelt explained how ShadowClan crossed the borders for the tenth time. When he had finished, Briarstar declared they would attack at dawn in two days.”Ha! We’ll teach them a lesson!” A young warrior named Rabbitclaw yowled. Other warriors started to join in. Briarstar silenced them with a flick of his tail. “Before we attack, I would like to make four new additions to the Apprentice’s den.”Briarstar turned to her brothers and herself. “Rivertooth, you tell me you believe your kits are ready to leave the nursery.” Rivertooth nodded. “Thistlekit, Step forward. For this moment on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Thistlepaw. Mumblekit step forward……” It went on to Timberkit, then to her. “Ivykit, from this moment on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Ivypaw.” “Thistlepaw! Mumblepaw! Timberpaw! Ivypaw!” The clan cheered. “Thistlepaw your mentor will be Twigheart, Mumblepaw your mentor will be Liongaze, Timberpaw your mentor will be Wildheart and Ivypaw your mentor will be me, Briarstar.” Ivypaw was disappointed. She hoped to have a she-cat like Dawnmoon for her mentor. But she would have to get over it. She couldn’t be grumpy, there was going to be a battle in two days! She was going to have to train hard!

Check back often for more!